Framing the Future the second three-year rolling action plan under Building from strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response is now available online.

Framing the Future will continue to develop the specialisation of the family violence, primary prevention and sexual assault workforces through providing clearer education and training pathways, improving support for early career workers, creating more varied specialisation pathways as workers progress in their careers and improving options for experienced practitioners to move between service types. 

The plan reflects strong collaboration with family violence and sexual assault peak bodies and employers as well as opportunities to connect shared workforce development opportunities and challenges across community services – this includes children and families, disability and housing and homelessness. 

It addresses critical vacancies and building better career pathways, with a focus on retaining the workforce. 

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MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

The Southern Melbourne Family Violence Regional Integration Committee host FREE MARAM Collaborative Practice Training. Watch this space to see what dates are available to register.

Click here for more information about MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

SMA Connect is not a crisis response service. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 000
For 24/7 support to find safety from family violence, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

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