A Deakin University honours research project is seeking social worker participants for a study on knowledge and practice responses when working with women over 50 experiencing intimate family violence.

The study aims to explore social workers’ knowledge of intimate partner violence and women over 50, the services available to women over 50, and what this looks like in practice.

Interested participants are invited to participate in a one-on-one interview to gather data on their knowledge of and practice responses for working with women over 50 who have recovered and rebuilt their lives after IPV.

Click here for more information

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MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

The Southern Melbourne Family Violence Regional Integration Committee host FREE MARAM Collaborative Practice Training. Watch this space to see what dates are available to register.

Click here for more information about MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

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For 24/7 support to find safety from family violence, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

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