Grow provides peer-support group meetings in a friendly and supportive environment for people experiencing emotional or mental health issues

GROW has helped thousands of Australians to recover from a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, grief and loss and diagnosed mental illnesses.

Grow group meetings are run by the members themselves, according to a well-structured format. During the meeting, members can share their problems, learn how to re-build their lives and report on their own progress. Grow’s program of personal growth is based on changing negative thinking and behaviour, and developing understanding, acceptance and confidence is at the heart of the Grow program.

See website for more information and to book

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MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

The Southern Melbourne Family Violence Regional Integration Committee host FREE MARAM Collaborative Practice Training. Watch this space to see what dates are available to register.

Click here for more information about MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

SMA Connect is not a crisis response service. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 000
For 24/7 support to find safety from family violence, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

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