Tip sheetCulturally responsive practice with men who use violence

Strong foundations: Building on Victoria’s work to end family violence

Motivation for Change: Working with men who use violence

Convicted Abusers Reflect on Their Violent Behavior

Call Me Dad: Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary

Engaging Men in the Prevention of Gender Based Violence

Interventions for perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia To support the growing policy focus on perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence, ANROWS commissioned and published 20 relevant research reports between 2018 and 2020. This paper synthesises their key findings and the recommendations arising from these findings.

Willing, capable and confident: men, masculinities and the prevention of violence against womenExamines how we can support men to engage more in actions to prevent gender-based violence.

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MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

The Southern Melbourne Family Violence Regional Integration Committee host FREE MARAM Collaborative Practice Training. Watch this space to see what dates are available to register.

Click here for more information about MARAM Collaborative Practice Training

SMA Connect is not a crisis response service. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 000
For 24/7 support to find safety from family violence, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

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