Consumer Experience Mapping – Men who Use Violence
The Persons Using Violence (PUV) Working Group collaborated with ShantiWorks to lead a participatory research project focusing on men who have accessed the family violence service system to understand their experience as consumers. Launched in October 2024, this report builds on existing literature and research by exploring experiences of engagement, of accountability, of gaps and strengths in the family violence service system through the lens of the person using violence. This report informs our understanding of the current integrated family violence system and how responses at a frontline, organisational and systems level can be enhanced. The SMFVRIC in partnership with ShantiWorks acknowledge the contributions of the PUV Working Group and the Advisory Group member agencies; Anglicare Victoria, inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, Relationships Australia Victoria and Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency.
You can download the full report here
First Nations MARAM and Information Sharing Working Group
In collaboration with the Bayside Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership (BPIFVP), the SMFVRIC are working with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations across the Southern Region (Bayside Peninsula Area and Southern Melbourne Area), to develop a workshop for practitioners to build capacity when talking about family violence and using MARAM tools in a culturally safe manner.
Submission to the Inquiry of Family Violence Orders
In collaboration with the Bayside Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership (BPIFVP), the SMFVRIC are contributing a submission to the Inquiry of Family Violence Orders. Both the BPIFVP and SMFVRIC are consulting with strategic leaders across the regions to inform a position for the submission. For further information in relation to the Inquiry, click here